May 22, 2023

📢 Important Announcement: Temporary Closure of Rooftop Parking

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Dear valued customers,

We apologise for the inconvenience caused by the parking issues at Westsprings Central. In order to ensure customer safety and address the misuse of the car park, we have temporarily closed the rooftop parking area for repair and repainting of lines.

The repair work is essential and is almost near completion. We are working diligently to complete it as soon as possible. We understand the importance of ample parking space and are committed to providing a safer and more enjoyable shopping experience.

We apologise for the delay and will announce the reopening once the repairs are finished.

Thank you for your patience and continued support.

*June 2023 UPDATE:

Rooftop Carpark is now open 7 days from 8 AM - 7:30 PM.

Outside these hours the rooftop will be closed for safety.

Late night diners can still exit the car park beyond these hours.

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